Packages and Binaries:


sipsak is a small command line tool for developers and administrators of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications. It can be used for some simple tests on SIP applications and devices.

Installed size: 131 KB
How to install: sudo apt install sipsak

  • libc-ares2
  • libc6
  • libgnutls30

A utility for various tests on sip servers and user agents

root@kali:~# sipsak --help
long option help
sipsak by Nils Ohlmeier
 Copyright (C) 2002-2004 FhG Fokus
 Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Nils Ohlmeier
 report bugs to [email protected]

 shoot  : sipsak [-f FILE] [-L] -s SIPURI
 trace  : sipsak -T -s SIPURI
 usrloc : sipsak -U [-I|M] [-b NUMBER] [-e NUMBER] [-x NUMBER] [-z NUMBER] -s SIPURI
 usrloc : sipsak -I|M [-b NUMBER] [-e NUMBER] -s SIPURI
 usrloc : sipsak -U [-C SIPURI] [-x NUMBER] -s SIPURI
 message: sipsak -M [-B STRING] [-O STRING] [-c SIPURI] -s SIPURI
 flood  : sipsak -F [-e NUMBER] -s SIPURI
 random : sipsak -R [-t NUMBER] -s SIPURI

 additional parameter in every mode:
   [-a PASSWORD] [-d] [-i] [-H HOSTNAME] [-l PORT] [-m NUMBER] [-n] [-N]
   [-r PORT] [-v] [-V] [-w]

  --help                     displays this help message
  --version                  prints version string only
  --filename=FILE            the file which contains the SIP message to send
                               use - for standard input
  --no-crlf                  de-activate CR (\r) insertion
  --sip-uri=SIPURI           the destination server URI in form
  --traceroute               activates the traceroute mode
  --usrloc-mode              activates the usrloc mode
  --invite-mode              simulates a successful calls with itself
  --message-mode             sends messages to itself
  --contact=SIPURI           use the given URI as Contact in REGISTER
  --appendix-begin=NUMBER    the starting number appendix to the user name (default: 0)
  --appendix-end=NUMBER      the ending number of the appendix to the user name
  --sleep=NUMBER             sleep number ms before sending next request
  --expires=NUMBER           the expires header field value (default: 15)
  --remove-bindings=NUMBER   activates randomly removing of user bindings
  --flood-mode               activates the flood mode
  --random-mode              activates the random mode (dangerous)
  --trash-chars=NUMBER       the maximum number of trashed character in random mode
                               (default: request length)
  --local-port=PORT          the local port to use (default: any)
  --remote-port=PORT         the remote port to use (default: 5060)
  --outbound-proxy=HOSTNAME  request target (outbound proxy)
  --hostname=HOSTNAME        overwrites the local hostname in all headers
  --max-forwards=NUMBER      the value for the max-forwards header field
  --numeric                  use FQDN instead of IP in the Via-Line
  --processes=NUMBER         Divide the workflow among the number of processes
  --auth-username=STRING     username for authentication
  --no-via                   deactivate the insertion of a Via-Line
  --password=PASSWORD        password for authentication
                               (if omitted password=username)
  --ignore-redirects         ignore redirects
  --verbose                  each v produces more verbosity (max. 3)
  --extract-ip               extract IP from the warning in reply
  --replace-string=STRING    replacement for a special mark in the message
  --replace                  activates replacement of variables
  --nagios-code              returns exit codes Nagios compliant
  --nagios-warn=NUMBER       return Nagios warning if retrans > number
  --message-body=STRING      send a message with string as body
  --disposition=STRING       Content-Disposition value
  --search=REGEXP            search for a RegExp in replies and return error
                             on failure
  --timing=NUMBER            number of test runs and print just the timings
  --symmetric                send and received on the same port
  --from=SIPURI              use the given URI as From in MESSAGE
  --timeout-factor=NUMBER    timeout multiplier for INVITE transactions
                             on non-reliable transports (default: 64)
  --timer-t1=NUMBER          timeout T1 in ms (default: 500)
  --transport=STRING         specify transport to be used
  --headers=STRING           adds additional headers to the request
  --local-ip=STRING          specify local ip address to be used
  --authhash=STRING          HA1 hash for authentication instead of password
  --syslog=NUMBER            log exit message to syslog with given log level
  --tls-ca-cert=FILE         file with the cert of the root CA
  --tls-client-cert=FILE     file with the cert which sipsak will send
  --tls-ignore-cert-failure  ignore failures during the TLS handshake

Updated on: 2022-Nov-18