Packages and Binaries:


The tools contained in this package offer support for pcap files, wordlists and many more to extract all needed information and bruteforce the passwords for the sniffed accounts.

  • sipdump - Dump SIP digest authentications to a file.
  • sipcrack - Bruteforce the user password using the dump file generated by sipdump.

Installed size: 68 KB
How to install: sudo apt install sipcrack

  • libc6
  • libpcap0.8
  • libssl3

A suite of tools to sniff and crack the digest authentications within the SIP protocol.

root@kali:~# sipcrack -h

SIPcrack 0.2 

Usage: sipcrack [OPTIONS] [ -s | -w <wordlist> ] <dump file>

       <dump file>   = file containing logins sniffed by SIPdump 

       -s            = use stdin for passwords                   
       -w wordlist   = file containing all passwords to try      
       -p num        = print cracking process every n passwords (for -w)
                       (ATTENTION: slows down heavily)           

* Invalid arguments


Part of SIPcrack, A suite of tools to sniff and crack the digest authentications within the SIP protocol.

root@kali:~# sipdump -h

SIPdump 0.2 

Usage: sipdump [OPTIONS] <dump file>                           

       <dump file>    = file where captured logins will be written to

       -i <interface> = interface to listen on                   
       -p <file>      = use pcap data file                       
       -m             = enter login data manually                
       -f "<filter>"  = set libpcap filter                       

* Invalid arguments

Updated on: 2022-Nov-18