Packages and Binaries:


Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.

This package contains cstool, a command-line tool to disassemble hexadecimal strings.

Installed size: 6.40 MB
How to install: sudo apt install capstone-tool

  • libc6
root@kali:~# cstool -h
Cstool for Capstone Disassembler Engine v4.0.2

Syntax: cstool [-d|-s|-u|-v] <arch+mode> <assembly-hexstring> [start-address-in-hex-format]

The following <arch+mode> options are supported:
        x16:        16-bit mode (X86)
        x32:        32-bit mode (X86)
        x64:        64-bit mode (X86)
        x16att:     16-bit mode (X86) syntax-att
        x32att:     32-bit mode (X86) syntax-att
        x64att:     64-bit mode (X86) syntax-att
        arm:        arm
        armbe:      arm + big endian
        thumb:      thumb mode
        thumbbe:    thumb + big endian
        cortexm:    thumb + cortex-m extensions
        armv8:      arm v8
        thumbv8:    thumb v8
        arm64:      aarch64 mode
        arm64be:    aarch64 + big endian
        mips:       mips32 + little endian
        mipsbe:     mips32 + big endian
        mips64:     mips64 + little endian
        mips64be:   mips64 + big endian
        ppc32:      ppc32 + little endian
        ppc32be:    ppc32 + big endian
        ppc32qpx:   ppc32 + qpx + little endian
        ppc32beqpx: ppc32 + qpx + big endian
        ppc64:      ppc64 + little endian
        ppc64be:    ppc64 + big endian
        ppc64qpx:   ppc64 + qpx + little endian
        ppc64beqpx: ppc64 + qpx + big endian
        sparc:      sparc
        systemz:    systemz (s390x)
        xcore:      xcore
        m68k:       m68k + big endian
        m68k40:     m68k_040
        tms320c64x: TMS320C64x
        m6800:      M6800/2
        m6801:      M6801/3
        m6805:      M6805
        m6808:      M68HC08
        m6809:      M6809
        m6811:      M68HC11
        cpu12:      M68HC12/HCS12
        hd6301:     HD6301/3
        hd6309:     HD6309
        hcs08:      HCS08
        evm:        Ethereum Virtual Machine

Extra options:
        -d show detailed information of the instructions
        -s decode in SKIPDATA mode
        -u show immediates as unsigned
        -v show version & Capstone core build info


Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.

These are the development headers and libraries.

Installed size: 7.87 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libcapstone-dev

  • libcapstone4


Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.


  • Support hardware architectures: ARM, ARM64 (aka ARMv8), Mips, PowerPC & Intel.
  • Clean/simple/lightweight/intuitive architecture-neutral API.
  • Provide details on disassembled instructions (called “decomposer” by some others).
  • Provide some semantics of the disassembled instruction, such as list of implicit registers read & written.
  • Implemented in pure C language, with bindings for Java, OCaml and Python ready to use and Ruby, C#, GO & Vala available on git repos.
  • Native support for Windows & *nix (with OS X, Linux, *BSD & Solaris confirmed).
  • Thread-safe by design.
  • Special support for embedding into firmware or OS kernel.
  • Distributed under the open source BSD license.

Installed size: 6.38 MB
How to install: sudo apt install libcapstone4

  • libc6


Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.

These are the Python 3 bindings.

Installed size: 518 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-capstone

  • libcapstone4
  • python3
  • python3-distutils

Updated on: 2024-Feb-16