Packages and Binaries:
This package can find query parameters for URL endpoints.
Web applications use parameters (or queries) to accept user input, take the following example into consideration.
This URL seems to load user information for a specific user id, but what if there exists a parameter named admin which when set to True makes the endpoint provide more information about the user? This is what Arjun does, it finds valid HTTP parameters with a huge default dictionary of 25,890 parameter names. It takes less than 10 seconds to go through this huge list while making just 50-60 requests to the target.
Some features:
- Supports GET/POST/POST-JSON/POST-XML requests;
- Automatically handles rate limits and timeouts;
- Export results to: BurpSuite, text or JSON file;
- Import targets from: BurpSuite, text file or a raw request file;
- Can passively extract parameters from JS or 3 external sources.
Arjun is useful for penetration testing (PENTEST) and network security analysis, serving as OSINT.
Installed size: 345 KB
How to install: sudo apt install arjun
- python3
- python3-dicttoxml
- python3-requests
HTTP parameter discovery suite
root@kali:~# arjun -h
usage: arjun [-h] [-u URL] [-o JSON_FILE] [-oT TEXT_FILE] [-oB [BURP_PORT]]
[-i [IMPORT_FILE]] [-T TIMEOUT] [-c CHUNKS] [-q]
[--headers [HEADERS]] [--passive [PASSIVE]] [--stable]
[--include INCLUDE] [--disable-redirects]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL Target URL
Path for json output file.
-oT TEXT_FILE Path for text output file.
-oB [BURP_PORT] Port for output to Burp Suite Proxy. Default port is
-d DELAY Delay between requests in seconds. (default: 0)
-t THREADS Number of concurrent threads. (default: 5)
-w WORDLIST Wordlist file path. (default: {arjundir}/db/large.txt)
-m METHOD Request method to use: GET/POST/XML/JSON/HEADERS.
(default: GET)
-i [IMPORT_FILE] Import target URLs from file.
-T TIMEOUT HTTP request timeout in seconds. (default: 15)
-c CHUNKS Chunk size. The number of parameters to be sent at
-q Quiet mode. No output.
--headers [HEADERS] Add headers. Separate multiple headers with a new
--passive [PASSIVE] Collect parameter names from passive sources like
wayback, commoncrawl and otx.
--stable Prefer stability over speed.
--include INCLUDE Include this data in every request.
--disable-redirects disable redirects
Updated on: 2023-Mar-08