Packages and Binaries:
A fast and simple Python script for web reconnaissance that follows a modular structure and provides detailed information on various areas.
Installed size: 374 KB
How to install: sudo apt install finalrecon
- python3
- python3-aiodns
- python3-aiohttp
- python3-bs4
- python3-dnslib
- python3-lxml
- python3-psycopg2
- python3-requests
- python3-tldextract
root@kali:~# finalrecon -h
usage: finalrecon [-h] [--headers] [--sslinfo] [--whois] [--crawl] [--dns]
[--sub] [--dir] [--wayback] [--ps] [--full] [-dt DT]
[-pt PT] [-T T] [-w W] [-r] [-s] [-sp SP] [-d D] [-e E]
[-o O]
FinalRecon - The Last Web Recon Tool You Will Need | v1.1.6
positional arguments:
url Target URL
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--headers Header Information
--sslinfo SSL Certificate Information
--whois Whois Lookup
--crawl Crawl Target
--dns DNS Enumeration
--sub Sub-Domain Enumeration
--dir Directory Search
--wayback Wayback URLs
--ps Fast Port Scan
--full Full Recon
Extra Options:
-dt DT Number of threads for directory enum [ Default : 30 ]
-pt PT Number of threads for port scan [ Default : 50 ]
-T T Request Timeout [ Default : 30.0 ]
-w W Path to Wordlist [ Default : wordlists/dirb_common.txt ]
-r Allow Redirect [ Default : False ]
-s Toggle SSL Verification [ Default : True ]
-sp SP Specify SSL Port [ Default : 443 ]
-d D Custom DNS Servers [ Default : ]
-e E File Extensions [ Example : txt, xml, php ]
-o O Export Format [ Default : txt ]
Updated on: 2023-Nov-20