Packages and Binaries:
SSLScan queries SSL services, such as HTTPS, in order to determine the ciphers that are supported. SSLScan is designed to be easy, lean and fast. The output includes preferred ciphers of the SSL service, the certificate and is in text and XML formats.
Installed size: 4.65 MB
How to install: sudo apt install sslscan
- libc6
- zlib1g
Fast SSL/TLS scanner
root@kali:~# sslscan -h
___ ___| |___ ___ __ _ _ __
/ __/ __| / __|/ __/ _` | '_ \
\__ \__ \ \__ \ (_| (_| | | | |
|___/___/_|___/\___\__,_|_| |_|
OpenSSL 3.0.12 24 Oct 2023
sslscan [options] [host:port | host]
--targets=<file> A file containing a list of hosts to check.
Hosts can be supplied with ports (host:port)
--sni-name=<name> Hostname for SNI
--ipv4, -4 Only use IPv4
--ipv6, -6 Only use IPv6
--show-certificate Show full certificate information
--show-client-cas Show trusted CAs for TLS client auth
--no-check-certificate Don't warn about weak certificate algorithm or keys
--ocsp Request OCSP response from server
--pk=<file> A file containing the private key or a PKCS#12 file
containing a private key/certificate pair
--pkpass=<password> The password for the private key or PKCS#12 file
--certs=<file> A file containing PEM/ASN1 formatted client certificates
--ssl2 Only check if SSLv2 is enabled
--ssl3 Only check if SSLv3 is enabled
--tls10 Only check TLSv1.0 ciphers
--tls11 Only check TLSv1.1 ciphers
--tls12 Only check TLSv1.2 ciphers
--tls13 Only check TLSv1.3 ciphers
--tlsall Only check TLS ciphers (all versions)
--show-ciphers Show supported client ciphers
--show-cipher-ids Show cipher ids
--iana-names Use IANA/RFC cipher names rather than OpenSSL ones
--show-times Show handhake times in milliseconds
--no-cipher-details Disable EC curve names and EDH/RSA key lengths output
--no-ciphersuites Do not check for supported ciphersuites
--no-compression Do not check for TLS compression (CRIME)
--no-fallback Do not check for TLS Fallback SCSV
--no-groups Do not enumerate key exchange groups
--no-heartbleed Do not check for OpenSSL Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160)
--no-renegotiation Do not check for TLS renegotiation
--show-sigs Enumerate signature algorithms
--starttls-ftp STARTTLS setup for FTP
--starttls-imap STARTTLS setup for IMAP
--starttls-irc STARTTLS setup for IRC
--starttls-ldap STARTTLS setup for LDAP
--starttls-mysql STARTTLS setup for MYSQL
--starttls-pop3 STARTTLS setup for POP3
--starttls-psql STARTTLS setup for PostgreSQL
--starttls-smtp STARTTLS setup for SMTP
--starttls-xmpp STARTTLS setup for XMPP
--xmpp-server Use a server-to-server XMPP handshake
--rdp Send RDP preamble before starting scan
--bugs Enable SSL implementation bug work-arounds
--no-colour Disable coloured output
--sleep=<msec> Pause between connection request. Default is disabled
--timeout=<sec> Set socket timeout. Default is 3s
--connect-timeout=<sec> Set connect timeout. Default is 75s
--verbose Display verbose output
--version Display the program version
--xml=<file> Output results to an XML file. Use - for STDOUT.
--help Display the help text you are now reading
sslscan [::1]
Updated on: 2024-Feb-16