Tool Documentation:
voiphopper Usage Example
root@kali:~# voiphopper -i eth0 -z
VoIP Hopper assessment mode ~ Select 'q' to quit and 'h' for help menu.
Main Sniffer: capturing packets on eth0
Analyzing ARP packets on default interface: eth0
New host #1 learned on eth0: (MAC): 78:ca:39:fe:0b:4c (IP):
New host #2 learned on eth0: (MAC): 60:6b:bd:5a:b6:6c (IP):
New host #3 learned on eth0: (MAC): 40:6c:8f:1b:cb:90 (IP):
Disabling analysis of ARP packets on default interface: eth0
Packages and Binaries:
VoIP Hopper is a GPLv3 licensed security tool, written in C that rapidly runs a VLAN Hop security test. VoIP Hopper is a VoIP infrastructure security testing tool but also a tool that can be used to test the (in)security of VLANs.
Installed size: 126 KB
How to install: sudo apt install voiphopper
- libc6
- libpcap0.8
root@kali:~# voiphopper -h
VoIP Hopper Extended Usage:
Miscellaneous Options:
-l (list available interfaces for CDP sniffing, then exit)
Example: voiphopper -l
-m (Spoof the MAC Address, then exit)
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
-d (Delete the VLAN Interface, then exit)
Example: voiphopper -d eth0.200
-V (Print the VoIP Hopper version, then exit)
Example: voiphopper -V
MAC Address Spoofing Options (used with -a, -v, or -c options):
-m (Spoof the MAC Address of existing interface, and new Interface)
-D -m (Spoof the MAC Address of only new Voice Interface)
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -D -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
CDP Sniff Mode (-c 0)
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -c 0
CDP Spoof Mode (-c 1):
-E <string> (Device ID)
-P <string> (Port ID)
-C <string> (Capabilities)
-L <string> (Platform)
-S <string> (Software)
-U <string> (Duplex)
Example Usage for SIP Firmware Phone:
voiphopper -i eth0 -c 1 -E 'SIP00070EEA5086' -P 'Port 1' -C Host -L 'Cisco IP Phone 7940' -S 'P003-08-8-00' -U 1
Example Usage for SCCP Firmware Phone:
voiphopper -i eth0 -c 1 -E 'SEP0070EEA5086' -P 'Port 1' -C Host -L 'Cisco IP Phone 7940' -S 'P00308000700' -U 1
Example Usage for Phone with MAC Spoofing:
voiphopper -i eth0 -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86 -c 1 -E 'SEP00070EEA5086' -P 'Port 1' -C Host -L 'Cisco IP Phone 7940' -S 'P003-08-8-00' -U 1
Avaya DHCP Option Mode (-a):
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -a
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -a -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
VLAN Hop Mode (-v VLAN ID):
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -v 200
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -v 200 -D -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
Alcatel VLAN Discovery (-t 0|1|2):
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -t 0
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -t 1
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -t 0 -m 00:80:9f:ad:42:42
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -t 1 -m 00:80:9f:ad:42:42
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -t 2 -v 800
Example: voiphopper -i eth0 -t 2 -v 800 -m 00:80:9f:ad:42:42
Updated on: 2024-Mar-11