Packages and Binaries:


This libpcap-based textmode sniffer can:

  • track, reassemble and reorder TCP streams
  • save the captured flows in different files or display them in the terminal
  • display all the stream on the terminal with different display modes like hexdump, hexdump + ascii, only printable characters, raw mode, colorized mode …
  • handle several network interface types, including ethernet cards and PPP interfaces

Installed size: 88 KB
How to install: sudo apt install tcpick

  • libc6
  • libpcap0.8

Tcp stream sniffer and connection tracker

root@kali:~# tcpick --help
	tcpick 0.2.1 is a sniffer tool written using libpcap.
tcpick can keep track of tcp connection, sniff all tcp streams
and store them to files, to show you what is happening on a network interface

Usage: tcpick [ -a ] [ -n ] [ -C ]				
       [ -i interface ]					
       [ -yH ] [ -yP ] [ -yR ] [ -yU ] [ -yx ] [ -yX ]	
       [ -bH ] [ -bP ] [ -bR ] [ -bU ] [ -bx ] [ -bX ]	
       [ -wH ] [ -wP ] [ -wR ] [ -wU ]			
       [ -v  [ verbosity ]]				
       [ -S ] [ -h ] [ --separator ]			
       [  "filter" ] [ -r  file ]			
       [ --help ] [ --version ]                         
Example: tcpick -i ppp0 -yP -C -h "not port 22"

for an updated list of options see tcpick(1) manpage
to see version and license information try `tcpick --version'
or read the `COPYING' file, released with the package

tcpick homepage:

mailing-list address:
	<[email protected]>
thank you for using tcpick!

Updated on: 2023-Aug-10